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  • 5 x Carbonit NFP Premium monobloc water filter

5 x Carbonit NFP Premium monobloc water filter

5.0/5.0 (8 ratings)
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5 x Carbonit NFP Premium monobloc water filter

5.0/5.0 (8 ratings)
  • Item ID: 115921
  • Manufacturer: Carbonit
  • Model number: NFP Premium
€ 168.99
Content: 5 piece 
| Unit price: €33.80 / piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Shipping: Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h

5 x Carbonit NFP Premium monobloc water filter cartridge

We recommend the use of the NFP Premium drinking water cartridge to remove lead or copper from drinking water that is contaminated by domestic water pipes. This NFP Premium filter cartridge is used in almost all CARBONIT® drinking water filters due to its high performance spectrum for possible drinking water contamination and its excellent hygienic properties.


Service life

The filter cartridge must be replaced after 6 months (in accordance with DIN 1988). In principle, 10,000 litres of water may be filtered within the 6 months. However, an earlier change may be necessary if the water flow is noticeably reduced. An early change is not a defect in the filter used, but an indication of an increased occurrence of fine particles in the unfiltered water.


Filter fineness

approx. 0.45µm

Dimensions: 9 3/4"

Flow rate: approx. 2 litres per minute

Temperature: Use only with cold water, protect from frost


CARBONIT® Monoblock NFP Premium filter cartridges are suitable for the following filter devices: SANUNO, VARIO, DUO HPS/DUO HPP

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