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6 x AguaNova Waterbed Conditioner Conditioner 250ml

5.0/5.0 (10 ratings)

6 x AguaNova Waterbed Conditioner Conditioner 250ml

5.0/5.0 (10 ratings)
  • Item ID: 191318
€ 12.99
Content: 1,5 liter 
| Unit price: €8.66 / liter 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Shipping: Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h

6 x AguaNova Waterbed Conditioner Conditioner 250ml


Waterbed conditioner, new formula, Made in Germany

Liquid concentrate for the treatment of waterbeds.

Protects the water core from germs. Cares for the inside of the vinyl.


Initial filling per mattress 100-140cm x 220cm / 250ml

Top-up (every 6 months) per mattress 100-140cm x 220cm / 125ml


Initial filling per mattress 160-200cm x 200-240cm / 500ml

Subsequent dosing (every 6 months) per mattress 160-200cm x 200-240cm / 250ml


6 x 250ml

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