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[Bundle] AEG, Electrolux Water Filter DD-7098 4055050316 4055164653

5.0/5.0 (1 rating)

[Bundle] AEG, Electrolux Water Filter DD-7098 4055050316 4055164653

5.0/5.0 (1 rating)
  • Item ID: 113690
  • Manufacturer: Banseok Puritec
  • Model number: 4055050316 / DD-7098
€ 13.90
Content: 1 piece 
| Unit price: €13.90 / piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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AEG, Electrolux Water Filter DD-7098 4055050316 4055164653 3019974100


The activated carbon water filter removes mechanical impurities, micro-sediments, chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals and many organic chemicals. Refines thus positively the taste you not only smell and taste but also see.


  • Less foreign matter in your water and ice system - deposits in the ice system are reduced
  • Your water quality is higher
  • Even better taste of water
  • Diamond clear ice cubes



Technical data:

  • Water Filter Model: DD-7098 / 4055050316 / 4055164653 / 3019974100
  • Filter content: Granulated activated carbon
  • Max. Flow/min: up to 1.3 litres
  • Max. Flow rate: up to 2000 liters (528.6 gallons)
  • Max. water temperature: 38°C (100° F)
  • Minimum water temperature: 0.6°C (3° F)
  • Pressure: up to 125 psi (8.5 bar)
  • length: 30,5 cm
  • NSF Certified


The connections of the filter are provided with hygienic protective caps that can be easily removed. This filter fits all Bosch, Siemens, Daewoo and Neff refrigerator models that have an external water filter. The external water filters are installed between the 1/4 inch plastic hose (6mm diameter) which is connected to the cold water line.


Spare part no.

    • Daewoo DD7098, 3019974800, 3019974100, 3010541600
    • Bosch DD-7098, 497818
    • Siemens DD-7098, 497818
    • Neff DD7098, 497818
    • AEG 4055050316, 4055164-65/3, 3019974100
    • and many others


Please note: The filter is not suitable for refrigerators that have an internal water filter.


According to the recommendation of the device manufacturer, you should always replace the water filter when:

  • the corresponding warning light (usually RED) on your refrigerator lights up (depending on model)
  • the refrigerator has not been used for a long time
  • in case of odour or turbidity of the water
  • or for safety reasons at least every 6 months


You will find further information in the operating manual of your device


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