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Carbonite water filter NFP Premium U-9

5.0/5.0 (13 ratings)
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Carbonite water filter NFP Premium U-9

5.0/5.0 (13 ratings)
  • Item ID: 114793
  • Manufacturer: Carbonit
  • Model number: 205NFP020-EV
€ 37.00
Content: 1 piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Carbonite water filter NFP Premium U-9

NFP Premium U-9. filter fineness 0.35 micron


Suitable for Carbonit drinking water devices Sanuno, Vario and Duo.

Features of the Carbonit NFP Premium-U9 water filter cartridge

CARBONIT Monoblock® - baked block filter produced in a sintering process, internationally patented, awarded several times and scientifically recognized. (Not to be confused with loose fillings of granulated carbon or extruded blocks). This filter cartridge fits e.g. Carbonit SanUNO, DUO and VARIO . Standardized 9 3/4" carbonite monobloc with a filter fineness of 0.35 µm absolute. Flat seal (SOE) with O-ring. High protection against bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, polar pesticides and drug residues. This block filter combines the known adsorptive forces of sintered activated carbon (e.g. pesticides) with mechanical filtration (e.g. bacteria). Activated carbon has a large surface area and is used as an adsorbent in the chemical industry, medicine and water and wastewater treatment, among others. It primarily removes unwanted colorants, flavors and odors from gases, vapors and liquids. As a sintered activated carbon block filter based on internationally patented carbonite technology, incomparable filtration results have been scientifically tested.

-Filter fineness: 0.35 µm
-flow rate: ( depending on water pressure ) approx. 1.2 to 1.7 litres per minute at approx. 4 BAR
-temperature: for technical reasons use only with cold water, protect from frost
-Length: 9 3/4"
-Manufacturer CARBONIT Filtertechnik GmbH
-Made in Germany
-Water Quality Certificate

Please note !

1. due to the extreme density of the filter cartridge of 0,35 micron, we recommend not to use it in a domestic water supply below 3,5 bar

2. only original CARBONIT replacement cartridges offer a functional promise and the reassuring feeling of using high quality and monitored products.

3 Knaub Trading GmbH & Co KG is an authorized Carbonit dealer.

Filter change:
In case of very high drinking water contamination, the pores of the filter cartridge may clog before the recommended period of use of 6 months. Early replacement is not a defect in the filter used, but rather an indication of the increased occurrence of fine particles in unfiltered water. The filter cartridge must be changed after 6 months at the latest (according to DIN 1988). In principle, 10,000 litres of water may be filtered within the 6 months. However, earlier replacement may be necessary if the water flow is noticeably reduced.

Each time the filter is changed, the flat seals of the cartridges are replaced (always included in the package of replacement cartridges). This ensures a perfect seal and functionality at all times. Any biofilm contamination is also removed.

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