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Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 9096989 9882460 988246000

4.98/5.0 (48 ratings)
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Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 9096989 9882460 988246000

4.98/5.0 (48 ratings)
  • Item ID: 191848
  • Manufacturer: Liebherr
  • Model number: 9096989 / 9882460
€ 23.90
Content: 1 piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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The Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 988246000

cleans the circulating air and quickly binds unpleasant odours. It is easy to replace and ensures optimum air quality.

Replaces the old Liebherr 7440021 filter

The Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 988246000 is an indispensable accessory for all Liebherr refrigerators that require clean and odour-free air. This high-quality activated charcoal filter has been specially developed for Liebherr appliances and offers an effective way to improve the air quality in your refrigerator.

What is the Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter made of and how does it work?

The filter is made of activated charcoal, a material known for its excellent absorption properties. Activated carbon is a material made from plant-based materials such as wood, coconut shells and bamboo. Through the process of activation, the surface area of the carbon is increased to allow greater absorption of impurities and unpleasant odours.

The Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 988246000 is designed to purify the circulating air in your Liebherr refrigerator and bind unpleasant odours. The filter works continuously to improve the air quality in your refrigerator. It is particularly effective at removing odours caused by food or other contaminants.

How often do I need to change the Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter?

By using the FreshAir activated charcoal filter, you can be sure that your Liebherr refrigerator is always circulating clean and fresh air. The filter is easy to install and can be replaced in just a few minutes. It is advisable to replace the filter every six months to ensure optimum performance.

Fresh air in refrigerators and freezers with the FreshAir activated charcoal filter 988246000

The Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 988246000 is an extremely useful accessory for all Liebherr appliances, especially refrigerators and freezers. These appliances are often filled with food and can develop unpleasant odours if the air is not circulated sufficiently. Using the filter improves the air quality and reduces the growth of bacteria and mould.

Environmentally friendly option: Why the Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 988246000 is also good for the environment

The FreshAir activated charcoal filter is also an environmentally friendly option as it is made from natural materials and is recyclable. Using the filter can also help to save energy, as a clean filter can reduce the appliance's energy consumption.

Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter also suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

The Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter can also be used for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. In fact, the filter can even help to alleviate symptoms of allergies and asthma by removing pollutants and allergens from the air in the fridge or freezer.

The Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter removes unpleasant odours, bacteria, mould spores, pollen, dust particles and other airborne contaminants from the air before they enter the refrigerator or freezer. This prevents allergens or pollutants from entering the air in the fridge or freezer and potentially aggravating allergies or asthma.

In summary, the Liebherr FreshAir activated charcoal filter 988246000 is an essential accessory for all Liebherr appliances that require clean and odour-free air.

The filter

  • cleans the circulating air
  • binds unpleasant odours and improves the air quality in your appliance
  • it is easy to install and
  • can be replaced in just a few minutes.

Using the filter is an environmentally friendly option and can help to save energy.

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