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Philips Saeco milk container 421944068631 CP0153/01 Spout right

4.88/5.0 (8 ratings)
Saeco Logo

Philips Saeco milk container 421944068631 CP0153/01 Spout right

4.88/5.0 (8 ratings)
  • Item ID: 191894
  • Manufacturer: Saeco
  • Model number: 421944068631
€ 52.90
Content: 1 piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Shipping: Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h

Philips Saeco milk container 421944068631 CP0153/01 (spout right)

complete incl. lid and milk hose

Attention the milk spout is on the right (when standing in front of the machine) !

Replaces 421944029451 421944029452 421944029453

Not dishwasher safe

This milk carafe (including milk tube) prepares velvety-creamy milk foam. The carafe can easily be stored in the fridge. Compatible with the Philips 4000, Incanto, GranBaristo, PicoBaristo series and series with product codes beginning with 'EP' and 'SM', e.g:

HD8847, HD8834, HD8917, HD8964, HD8965, HD8966, HD8969, HD8915/01, HD8915/09, HD8925/01, HD8925/09, EP3550/00, EP3551/00, EP4050/00, EP4051/00, HD8916, HD8918, EP5360, EP5361, EP5365, EP5960, EP5961, HD8966/11, HD8967/01, HD8968/01, HD8969/09

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