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Whirlpool refrigerator water filter SBS200 / 484000008726 replaces SBS002 / 481281729632

5.0/5.0 (1 rating)
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Whirlpool refrigerator water filter SBS200 / 484000008726 replaces SBS002 / 481281729632

5.0/5.0 (1 rating)
  • Item ID: 188295
  • Manufacturer: Whirlpool
  • Model number: SBS200 / 484000008726
€ 29.50
Content: 1 piece 
| Unit price: €29.50 / piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Whirlpool refrigerator water filter SBS200 / 484000008726 replaces SBS002 / 481281729632

The internal whirlpool water filter cartridge removes chlorine by means of an activated carbon filter and water impurities, such as lead, deposits, turbidity and rust, which can result from the pipeline network. So that you can always professionally filtered water in fresh and clean quality.

We recommend that you use the universal Bauknecht Whirlpool.

Replace water filter cartridge every 6 months.


Suitable for Bauknecht and Whirlpool SBS refrigerators, with an elongated filter located inside the refrigerator base.


Part no..: SBS200 484000008726


Please note:

According to the recommendation of the device manufacturers, you should always exchange, if:

  • the corresponding warning lamp on your refrigerator lights up (depending on model)
  • the refrigerator has not been used for a long time
  • in case of odour or turbidity of the water
  • or for safety reasons at least every 6 months

You will find further information in the operating instructions of your device.

Invoice with VAT (19%)  and warranty in your name.

We ship within 24 hours after receipt of money, GUARANTEED!

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