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  • Wpro activated charcoal filter FAT150 481281718526...

Wpro activated charcoal filter FAT150 481281718526 Type 150 DKF24 481948048151 CHF150/1 484000008580

5.0/5.0 (10 ratings)
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Wpro activated charcoal filter FAT150 481281718526 Type 150 DKF24 481948048151 CHF150/1 484000008580

5.0/5.0 (10 ratings)
  • Item ID: 346
  • Manufacturer: Wpro
  • Model number: CHF150/1-C00380077 484000008580
€ 16.99
Content: 1 piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Wpro activated charcoal filter FAT150, 481281718526, type 150 DKF24, 481948048151, CHF150/1, 484000008580


The high-performance, antibacterial activated charcoal filters from Wpro effectively prevent the proliferation of bacteria

on the activated charcoal and their spread in the air.

Your indoor air becomes healthier and the risk of allergies is reduced.

The odour-neutralising effect of the AC 40 quality activated carbon is twice as strong as that of a

traditional activated carbon filter (AC 20).

Self-extinguishing (in accordance with the V2 standard). Incl. saturation indicator or "memo sticker" for timely filter change.

Dimensions: 43.5x21.7mm-848g

Suitable for:



- SCHOLTES H3460/1, H3490/1, H4890/2, HC6060, HC6060BR, HET AN, HET WH, HTL76, H4890

  H4890/1, H4890/1lX, H5890, H3760, H3790, H8760

- A. MARTIN AFC935, AFG532X1, AF1634, AFP636, HC0510-1, HC0515W1

- AEG 330, 470, 760, 5708, 8160, 8390, 8490, 8709, 105D, 155D, 385, 485DW, 511D, 531D, 710D, 781D, 8391DM

- BAUKNECHT AKB062/03, AKB063, AKG777, AKG990, DCFH3790, DE3360, DE 3362, DEHL3660, DEI3350, DEM3360, DFH3360, DFH3390, DNG5360, DNHI3655, DNHI3660, DNHI3690, DN55HV3460,34 NI340V DN60,3 D3340V DDN60,3 D3340V DDN60,3 D3 D3524 , DNV3360, DNV3460, DNVC4760A

- WHIRLPOOL AKB063, AKG957, AKG969, AKR602, AKR415, AKR416, AKR418, AKR435, AKR602WH, AKR614, AKR615, AKR616, AKR633, AKR634, AKR675, AKR614, AKR615, AKR616, AKR633, AKR634, AKR675, AKR633, AKR634, AKR675, AKR614, AKR615, AKR616 2ap98, AKR699, AKR975, AKR986IX, DE3360, DE3362, DFH3390, DKR3203,

DNHI3660, DE2260, DE3362, DFH3390, DKR3203, AKB063

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